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Relieve lower back pain

Relieve lower back pain

Quadratus lumborum pain is a common complaint among many people, often resulting from poor posture , lack of warm-up , or intense physical exertion . This pain can become debilitating if not managed properly. This article explores various methods to relieve this pain and improve your quality of life.

Understanding the square of the loins

Anatomy of the quadratus lumborum muscle

The quadratus lumborum is a muscle located in the lumbar region of the abdomen, contributing to the stability of the spine. It connects the last ribs to the iliac crests of the pelvis. This muscle plays a crucial role in various movements such as lateral flexion and extension of the spine.

Common Causes of Lumbar Pain

Several factors can cause pain in the quadratus lumborum area, including:

  • Bad sitting or standing postures
  • Intense physical effort without prior warm-up
  • Injuries due to sudden movements
  • Prolonged muscle tension

Strategies for Pain Relief

Importance of stretching

Regular stretching helps maintain flexibility and prevent muscle stiffness. Here are some effective stretches for the quadratus lumborum:

  • Stretch in the “cat-cow” position: alternate between arching (flexion) and curvature (extension) of the spine.
  • Standing Side Stretch: Raise one arm overhead and slowly bend to the opposite side.
  • Child's Pose in Yoga: Sit on your heels and extend your arms forward.

Muscle strengthening exercises

Strengthening the muscles around the quadratus lumborum can help reduce tension and prevent pain . Some beneficial exercises include:

  • Plank: Hold a plank position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Superman: Lie on your stomach, then raise your arms and legs simultaneously.
  • Bridge: Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift your hips.

Adopt good posture

Poor posture can make lower back pain worse. Tips for better posture:

  • Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Use an ergonomic chair that provides good lower back support .
  • Move around frequently to avoid built-up tension.

Complementary tools and techniques

Use of heat and cold

Applying hot or cold compresses can provide temporary relief from pain. Heat relaxes muscles while cold reduces inflammation.

Therapeutic massage

Targeted massages can relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation in the lower back. Seeking professional help can maximize the effectiveness of the massage.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Neglecting the warm-up

Warming up before any physical activity prepares the muscles and prevents injuries. Incorporate light cardio exercises and dynamic stretches to properly warm up the quadratus lumborum.


Overtraining can exacerbate lower back pain. Balance workouts with rest periods to allow muscles to recover.

Bad choice of shoes

Improper footwear can affect body weight distribution and contribute to lower back problems. Choose shoes that provide good arch support.

Best Routines for Pain Relief

Morning routine

Start your day with gentle, progressive stretches . The downward dog exercise from yoga is excellent for waking up your back muscles.

After-work routine

After a long day, take a few minutes to release any built-up tension. Simple stretches like touching your toes and holding for several seconds can be very effective.

Before going to bed

Practicing relaxing exercises before sleeping helps reduce pressure and improves sleep quality. A relaxing yoga posture, such as Shavasana (corpse pose), is ideal.

Integrating these practices into daily life

Time planning

Setting aside time each day for exercise and stretching ensures they become a natural part of your routine. Consider these moments essential to your overall well-being.

Tracking progress

Keeping a log of your exercise and stretching sessions can help you see improvements and adjust your routines if necessary.

Tips to stay motivated

Set realistic and achievable goals. Watching motivational or enriching videos can also provide increased visual and auditory stimulation.

Medical consultation and professional treatments

When to see a doctor

If pain persists despite the measures taken, consult a healthcare professional. Warning signs such as numbness , weakness or severe pain require immediate attention.

Medical treatments available

Various medical treatments such as physiotherapy, acupuncture or even chiropractor can be considered for the management of lower back pain.

Relieving quadratus lumborum pain requires a holistic approach that incorporates stretching, muscle strengthening, good posture, and complementary care. Adapting these tips to your daily routine can greatly improve your physical comfort.

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